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September Newsletter

September Newsletter

Dear Hillcrest Families and Friends,


I hope that this email finds you doing well on the verge of a long weekend for students.  We are excited to transition into September which brings more familiarity with school routines, a reading and writing unit for all grade levels focused on characters in texts and character traits, and our family event which will take place on Thursday, September 19th from 5-7!

SAVE THE DATE!  “BINGO for BOOKS!” on September 19, 5:00-7:00 pm

We are excited for our fall family event on September 19th!  Please plan to join us for a night of family fun including:

  • Learn more about what it means for Hillcrest to be a Title One School
  • PLAY Bingo alongside your child for a chance to win fun family games
  • Learn tips and tricks for reading with your child at home
  • Walk away with a free, brand new book!


School Accountability Committee - seeking parent perspective!

As we work to refine our school wide goals for the year, we would like to share our ideas and get your perspective!  Please reach out directly to me for more information!  We will host our first School Accountability Committee meeting on Monday, September 23 from 8:00 - 9:00 am. 


Community Flyers

While you receive all school based flyers and communication on Wednesdays, you can access our community flyers anytime by visiting our school website here.  


Board unanimously votes to place Blueprint funding measures on upcoming ballot

In front of a packed house, the Board voted to place both Blueprint funding measures - a bond for building investments and an override for programming investments - on the November ballot. Learn more, including what our school would receive.



Advanced Academic and Gifted Services at Hillcrest

Would You Like Your Child to be Tested to Determine If They Qualify for Advanced or Gifted Services in Adams 12?

All second graders will take the GT screener September 16-18th.  Second grade parents do not need to sign up for this opportunity. Second grade parents will receive results of the second grade screener via Infinite Campus email by November 14th.


If you would like your kindergarten, first, third, fourth or fifth grade student tested to see if they qualify for advanced academic and gifted services, you must fill out this Parent Permission Form by November 4th, 2024! Testing will occur at Hillcrest on December 5th and December 6th. Parents will receive the testing results by the end of January. Please note that if your student is already identified as gifted, there is no need to retest.

Please contact our gifted and talented team if you have any questions, please contact the following staff:

Siobhan Holland: (GT Advocate), or Danielle Monroe and Erica Gardner (GT Coordinators).


Upcoming Dates:

  • September 2 - NO School, Labor Day
  • September 3 - NO School for Students; teacher work day
  • September 16-18 -  GT testing for all 2nd graders
  • September 19, 5:00-7:00 pm - Bingo for Books Family Night
  • September 23, 8:00-9:00 am - School Accountability Meeting
  • October 3, 3:15-7:15 pm - Parent Teacher Conferences
  • October 10, 3:15-7:15 pm - Parent Teacher Conferences

As always, thank you for your partnership with the Hillcrest staff and thank you for sharing your amazing kids with us each and every day. If you have any questions, concerns, compliments or suggestions, please reach out to me directly at or 720-972-5380.



Erika Fiorenza, Principal