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December Newsletter

December Newsletter

Good afternoon Hillcrest Families and Friends, 

I hope that this message finds you doing well.  We are excited to return after an extended Fall Break and finish the 2024 year off in a positive way here at Hillcrest!  December is short and sweet, but sure to be busy for our students.  



As a friendly reminder, we are running an attendance incentive for the remainder of the month, encouraging all students to be here all day, every day.  The classes that have perfect attendance for 7 days between Thanksgiving break and Winter Break, will have a small celebration in class!



On December 19th, teachers will be hosting small classroom parties to mark the end of the 1st semester and to celebrate the upcoming Winter Break.  The parties are intended for classroom communities only and will not include parents. Teachers value the time to spend with students in non academic ways and this allows them that time to build relationships with students. 

Teachers may send out a sign up for snacks to enjoy in the classroom and although we typically don’t allow “sweet treats” in the classroom for any other occasion (such as birthdays), we will be allowing them for holiday parties.  While this seems contradictory to our wellness policy, because holiday parties happen at a predetermined date and time, families can have conversations and plan accordingly prior to the event.  Birthday treats, on the other hand, are unannounced and inequitable for various reasons in a school setting.  



Extended breaks are a great time to keep up on reading!  We know that when students spend time reading, they continue to grow as readers!    All students will have the opportunity to participate in a reading challenge over break which will be sent home on Wednesday, December 18.  Please encourage your child to keep up with their reading and return their “Reading Challenge” paper when we return, to be recognized here at HCE!  



If you are in need of additional support or resources, please reach out directly to Lina Mendoza, our Family Outreach Liaison at or call 720-972-5380.  Lina can help connect families to resources including household items, clothing, food and other necessities as well as provide information about health care, mental health resources and other necessities.  



A few friendly reminders about weather and recess. Recess is an important time for our students to participate in physical movement and take a break from the day.  That being said, we provide an indoor recess when the weather outside includes:

  • Active precipitation (rain, snow, sleet)
  • A temperature with the wind chill below 20 degrees 
  • Or the playground conditions are poor (mud, standing water, etc)

Please make sure that students are well prepared for cold weather and have coats, gloves, hats and boots so that they are able to be warm and comfortable when outside on some of our colder days. 



During the final week before break, we invite all students to participate in our School Wide Spirit Week, sponsored by our Student Council!

  • Monday, December 16 - Sports Day - Come to school in any of your sportswear
  • Tuesday, December 17 - Character Day - Dress like your favorite character
  • Wednesday, December 18 - Festive Day - Ugly sweater… holiday hat?  Wear anything that shows the holiday that you celebrate
  • Thursday, December 19 - Pajama Day - Wear your pajamas to school

Upcoming Dates:

  • Friday, December 20 - No school for students
  • December 20- January 6 - Winter Break
  • January 7 - Students return to school
  • January 20 - MLK Jr. Day

On behalf of the entire Hillcrest staff, we are wishing you and yours a wonderful winter and holiday break.  We are looking forward to the next two weeks full of learning and a restful break ahead.  If you have any questions, concerns, suggestions or feedback, please reach out to me directly. 



Erika Fiorenza, Principal